In a media-soaked world, rising above the crowd is key to business success, especially when competing with huge corporations and their deep pockets. While design and branding is critical, it only goes so far to helping you stand out.
One thing, often overlooked, differentiates you from everyone else: Your story.
And that requires content.
Content? Who has time for that?

Writing engaging content that bridges the gap between you and your customers is becoming tougher by the day. Everyone is fighting for keywords. SEO this. PPC that. Every other website or clogged social media channel sounds like a drive-by sales pitch, or runs the same stale clickbait campaigns.
Consumers see through it and tire quickly of being sold to. Why else do you think social media and Adword conversion rates are abysmally low, typically under 3%?
You need a fresh voice. Some way to tell your company’s story, consistently and reliably, month in, month out. To build loyalty. Trust. A rapport between your brand and customers that aligns their values with yours so they feel invested in your ethos. Enough for them to think of you every time they need something you offer.
That requires two simple words…
Content Strategy

Repeating your company’s mission statement ad nauseum, or stuffing keywords on your pages to rise to the top of search results is more likely to get you penalised than win customers. Paying advertising agencies to buy ad campaigns on your behalf serves one goal: making them richer.
Neither technique generates significantly more sales for you. It doesn’t equate to brand loyalty. Most customers that happen upon your site for the above reasons will be just another sale. Ad vendors have coined terms such as ‘organic traffic’ to differentiate it from ‘paid traffic’ and cleverly pitched the former as somehow lesser.
Anyone can write an ad that generates a click (which will cost you) but if the endpoint isn’t compelling, you’ve wasted the money because customers will bail.
The fact is, fresh, engaging content is just as good at propelling you up the ranking as paid traffic… and it’s free. If you’re happy paying for ads with low yield, that’s great. Every little helps. But it isn’t a surrogate for fabulous content and certainly doesn’t mean customers will flock your way and buy from you.
Smart companies design and plan content to maximise its impact, and let the search engines come to them.
Content Marketing

We understand your company is far more than sales alone. It’s the sum of its people. The sum of its carefully chosen supply chain. The satisfaction it brings to your customers. It’s the human stories, all too often glossed over, that will win the hearts of customers and turn them from just another sale into brand ambassadors for you.
We help cultivate the kind of person that will repost the information in your stories not because they’re incentivized, but because they want to. Because they feel their circle of friends are genuinely interested. Because you transfer knowledge and power about your expertise to your customers and they reward you back.
Regularly telling your stories and delivering information people want to consume results in loyalty that can’t be bought with ads and marketing gimmicks and keywords and mission statements.
That’s what we do. Let us help enrich your customers; tell your stories that are sidelined because nobody has time to tell them. And together we’ll build you customers for life.
Please get in touch to discuss how we can help.